Rockabilly žurka III – Rijeka
Every year we visit our family in Kastav and we always wait for summer time and a vacation to do it… so the Žurka (eng. party) was a pretty decent excuse to get on a bus and combine pleasure with… well, pleasure. Anyhow, better by bus than by car because for some reason we get lost in Rijeka every time. Rijeka has a small and nice rockabilly scene, and in the last few months they’ve been organizing rockabilly parties in Dnevni boravak (eng. living room) in Ciotta street. A few factors are crucial for a party this good – firstly, owners – Martina and Marko made a real „home atmosphere“ and really provide you with a feeling of being in their home, in their living room. They actually did bring a bunch of stuff from home, books and music media, so the bar is sort of an image of what they love and enjoy.
Martina is the leader of Flame dance group who dance a couple of their choreographies and spice up the whole story every time. I have to mention that the whole Flame line-up managed to dress up, and do their hair and make up in an unbelievably short time. Pro.
The resident band is Good Rockin’ Daddies, the guys from Rijeka whom we heard in Jazz Caffe near Zagreb a few months ago for the first time and who sounded pretty awesome. But, the home atmosphere does its deed, so in Rijeka they were even better. The thing that we like the most is a reasonable time of the concert. A party has to end by midnight so neighbors could go to sleep at a reasonable time. Which is really great, because you also come home relatively early and wake up next morning feeling well rested. Unlike the concerts that don’t start before midnight. In those cases, it’s always a challenge to convince yourself to go out at 23h; to stay out till 2 or 3 a.m. isn’t generally a problem, but there is that one tiny detail that ruins everything – getting up for work in the morning. But, that is a subject for a different post. Here are few photos of the band:
The whole story was documented by the lovely girls from TinyBizz Photography – they gave us the permission to post their photos here. We don’t know a better way to present the atmosphere to you. The complete gallery is available here.
All together – we hung out nicely, danced, infected them with dancing, agreed to do a dance workshop and promised to come back in greater numbers. See you!