Hard(ware) Life in the 90’s
I’ve always been a huge fan of geek memorabilia. Ever since I was a kid, I was into computers – the Internet was just at the beginning, computers were slow and massive… It was quite a success to get a movie on a CD, downloading one single photo lasted for 10 minutes, and computer memory was just funny for today’s terms.
I managed to save some components from that time, and since they’re quite rare, I decided to preserve and frame them. That is how the series “Hard (ware) life in the 90’s and other stories” was born.
“Hard(ware) life in the 90’s” is a small series of 8 pieces. They all contain technical thingamajigs, either from the obsolete computer hardware, or mechanical pieces with an interesting story.
Every piece comes with a custom made aluminum and glass photo frame (24×18,5cm), and a printed story on the back. Each component comes framed in an aluminum frame, with a glass, and a printed story on the back.
A detail of the component.
The story is printed and glued to the Kapafix board on the back.
The detail of the print. You can easily detach it and put it on your wall, beside the art piece
The detail of the frame on the back.
The frame has also a hook.
This is an ideal gift for someone who likes geek stuff, and likes to brag about how life was hard in the 90’s Or simply likes an interesting art piece with a story that just has to be told.
You can check the whole series in our Etsy store in this link.
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